Friday, November 14, 2008

Couple More Pics and story of the name

So the name Wilder came from my (adam's) great grandfather. He also had a son named Wilder but most people called him Jr. I guess it's normally thought of as a last name, we just watched the movie Sunset Boulevard by Billy Wilder, but we figured the precedent has been set with my great grandfather so of course it is okay.
His middle name Ivan comes from Kate's grandfather who passed away about 3 years ago. I didn't know my great grandfather but we knew Kate's Gramp really well and miss him a lot. He led a very admirable life and set a good example for us to live by in his relationship with his wife and children. One of my favorite stories is when he would work on Christmas Eve so his co-workers with children could be with their families, just one of the ways he was so kind-hearted.

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